Powerful Victory, Return to Blue Planet!

"Mu Xuan…"

The last sentence finally angered this Six Desires Heavenly Demon. In the end, it turned into a will avatar with the aura of a peak monarch, but Mu Xuan could sense that this will avatar was different!

No, this was no longer a will avatar, but a combination of all the wills of the Six Desires Heavenly Demon that had escaped!

The angry Six Desires Heavenly Demon actually gathered all the power it could mobilize and turned it into something that could be seen as an avatar!

"Are you angry?!" A smile appeared on Mu Xuan's lips. He hadn't wasted his time arguing with this guy.

That's right, Mu Xuan had done it on purpose. He had deliberately angered the Six Desires Heavenly Demon and made it split into a will avatar. However, it seemed that the effect of anger was too strong, and the other party directly sent out an avatar!