Chapter 49: The Rat in Black Iron Lake!_1


Potential value, on the other hand, had increased by a full 3 points, a likewise immense boost!

The growth in potential value would make Su Changkong even more extraordinary, making the practice of various martial arts easier and simpler, forming a virtuous cycle!

With both the Five Animal Frolics and the Turtle Breath Technique breaking through, Su Changkong felt the long-missed ease, but he did not slack off.

"Above a martial artist of Divine Bravery, there must be stronger ones. Being able to throw one's weight around near a small city is no real skill!"

Su Changkong muttered to himself. The Body Refinement Realm is merely the first realm for a martial artist. There are people beyond people, and mountains beyond mountains; one cannot afford to be proud or complacent.