Chapter 59 The Murderer Ghost Face! The Fourth Boss of the Black Cavalry Gang! (Begging for First Subscription)_1

"This Qi-Blood Pill is a miraculous medicine that strengthens one's qi and blood. Martial Artists at the pinnacle of the Body Refinement Realm who take the Qi-Blood Pill, along with their own cultivation, will have great hope of stepping into the Qi-Blood Realm!"

Wang Yun excitedly described the value of the recipe for the Qi-Blood Pill, his spittle flying.

Su Changkong's face showed little emotion, but he was inwardly moved.

Ever since he broke through to the Divine Bravery Stage, Su Changkong could clearly feel that his body's growth had reached a plateau, because Divine Bravery represents the limit of the Body Refinement Realm.

To grow further, he needed to complete Blood Refining and step into the Qi-Blood Realm!

And the Qi-Blood Pill recipe promised by Wang Yun was indeed of tremendous value to Su Changkong. At the very least, it could allow him to see a higher realm, so Su Changkong decided to accept this Qi-Blood Pill recipe!