Chapter 70: Lord of the Black Lotus Incense! Qi and Blood Tier 4!_1

Su Changkong naturally did not know that Wang Yun had already been threatened by the Black Lotus Sect, and in cooperation with them, he was sending Su Changkong into a trap.

At this moment, Su Changkong had already made his way to the location mentioned in the intelligence.

Luofeng Forest, located within the territory of Clearwater City, was a barren woodland where only beasts and birds dwelt, making it a very suitable hiding place for fugitives and bandits.

When he arrived at Luofeng Forest, it was already dusk, with the sunset in the sky casting an orange glow that made one's spirit feel somewhat depressed and desolate.

"So Ning Cheng is hiding inside Luofeng Forest? Find him quickly and return before it gets dark."

Upon arriving at Luofeng Forest, Su Changkong paused briefly to observe before setting out into the woods.