Chapter 73 Precious Pill Residence! Alchemy!_1

"Let's leave first," Su Changkong's mind remained alert, not wishing to attract trouble. Without lingering, he quickly stood up and left, quickening his pace as he passed through the barren mountain.

"I'm already close to Ink Forest Prefecture City, and such things are still happening? It seems... the situation in Ink Forest Prefecture City is not as peaceful as I imagined!"

Not until he was far from that barren mountain did Su Changkong recall the tragic and bizarre corpses, his expression growing even more serious.

The area around Ink Forest Prefecture City was probably not so calm, and he realized he still needed to proceed with caution!

Hurrying until dusk, Su Changkong noticed more travelers around him, including merchant caravans, armed escorts, and groups of plainly dressed pedestrians. From time to time, there were soldiers in armor patrolling nearby on horseback, making it clear to Su Changkong that he was nearing Ink Forest Prefecture City!

"Finally, I've arrived!"