Chapter 75: Advancing to the Qi-Blood Realm! Lifespan Limit!_3

Standing in place and feeling the changes within his body, Su Changkong marveled at the transformation after stepping into the Qi-Blood Realm.

Having achieved the Qi Blood One Transformation, the change was nothing short of a rebirth!

The Five Animal Frolics and Turtle Breath Technique would soon break through, ascending to a new level!

Even his lifespan had increased. Su Changkong's life expectancy rose from the original 100 years to 110 years.

It seemed that advancing within the Martial Arts Realm could also extend one's life, but one had to reach that realm, and among ten thousand martial artists, not even one might achieve this degree.

"Although I broke through to the Qi-Blood Realm, I'm out of money," Su Changkong said with a sigh, even as he felt happy.