Chapter 83: Focus and Protect the Heart! The Storm is Approaching!_2

Sikong Huang didn't allow Su Changkong to continue, instead sending him back to rest and maintain peak condition. That way, the success rate of alchemy would be higher.

"Mm." Su Changkong nodded. To refine the Condensing Spirit Protecting Heart Pill, he needed to be fully focused. Physically exhausted, he indeed felt very drained mentally.

"Additionally, with regards to the matter here, I hope Master Su won't mention it to others to prevent some people from overthinking," Sikong Huang added.

"I am aware." Su Changkong didn't object, knowing Sikong Huang had brought him here to secretly refine the Condensing Spirit Protecting Heart Pill in order to keep it from becoming widely known.

Afterward, Sikong Huang escorted Su Changkong to the main hall's entrance. Su Changkong headed back to his residence and after a slight practice of the Turtle Breath Technique for several cycles, dawn broke.