Chapter 96: The Death of the Giant Whale Gang Leader! An Extremely Powerful Enemy!_2

Su Changkong unquestionably harbored a murderous intent for Meng Sang!

On the ship, nearly ten people took turns rowing towards the port of the Giant Whale Gang.

It took a whole day and night before the fast boat finally reached the port.

"Second Miss!"

At the port, the Giant Whale Gang disciples on guard duty spotted the approaching Su Changkong and others; they all breathed a sigh of relief upon finding Sikong Huang safe and sound.

After docking and disembarking, Su Changkong saw that of the ten battleships originally moored at the port, each a hundred meters long, only eight remained.

"Hmm… what is the situation?"

Although her heart was heavy with grief, Sikong Huang concealed it all and inquired about the current situation from a Giant Whale Gang disciple.