Chapter 110 Divine Weapon Chopping Demons! The Blade Severs Immortality!_4



Su Changkong's blow, infused with Condensed blade qi, was even stronger than the limit of the Blade Nurturing Art, with such exaggerated lethality that, combined with the level 8 Iron Cutting Blade Technique, it could sever waterfalls, impregnable!


Amidst the crisp tearing and the overwhelming cutting noises, a formidable force crushed down, and the earth shook violently, but Feng Mo's massive arm, as thick as a man's waist, was bisected, split into two halves. Dark red Monster Blood poured out like a light rain, pitting the ground with holes as it corroded everything it touched.

Flowers and trees withered in its presence.

"What... what is this? Could his sword be one of those hard-to-find Demon-Slicing Divine Weapons in the world?"

Feng Mo couldn't believe his demon monster body, which he took pride in, was so fragile before Su Changkong's Iron-Cutting Sword, as if it were made of paper.