Chapter 113: Wind Thunder Silent! Transcendental Wind-Thunder Arrow!_1

In the secluded wilderness, Su Changkong stood silently with his bow at the ready.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!"

All of a sudden, Su Changkong opened his eyes, drew the bow and nocked the arrows, repeatedly pulling the bowstring, stringing the arrows from the quiver one after another in a fluid motion like clouds drifting and water flowing.

Four consecutive arrows whistled through the air like shooting stars toward four different directions, yet eerily silent, making no sound at all.

"Hiss hiss hiss hiss!"

It was only when they struck the trees that they unleashed their tremendous power, piercing through the trunks, and a smaller tree with the girth of a bowl was even severed in half by the arrows.

The arrows flew as fast as the wind and lightning, stirring up a series of whirlwinds in the forest, making it hard to believe that arrows could wield such force!

Wind Thunder Archery (Eight Realms Transcendental 1%)