Chapter 120: A Torrent of Steel! Thousands of Troops and Horses!_3


Pei Chen said calmly, "The Star Pattern Gold that Zhao Chengji sold to you is stolen property, belonging to our Dafeng Iron Cavalry. It was originally ours. Why should we pay to buy it back? If you want money, go ask Zhao Chengji for it."

Upon hearing this, Su Changkong undoubtedly felt a surge of anger. Zhao Chengji and others had already been captured alive, and their wealth was sure to be confiscated and forfeited. It was impossible to reclaim the money he had spent on the Star Pattern Gold from them.

Without any niceties, Su Changkong replied, "My Star Pattern Gold was bought with my own money. It belongs to me. If you want the Star Pattern Gold, go ask Zhao Chengji and the others for it."