Iron Treasure Chest!

At this moment, the word 'danger' appeared in Lin Yue's mind!

He quickly turned around. Just as he was about to move, he saw the giant locust jump into the air and fly towards him!

Its wings flapped and let out a terrifying sound.

Lin Yue gasped and immediately ran to the side as fast as he could. From the corner of his eye, he saw the huge locust land on the ground before jumping towards him again!

This time, Lin Yue ran quickly in the direction of his shelter.

'This thing is too fast. It can fly even though it's so big? Isn't this cheating?'

After entering the hut, he quickly closed the door and locked it as quickly as possible.

However, before he could take a breath, he felt a strong shock from the other side of the door!

Lin Yue leaned against the door tightly, sweat flowing down his forehead.

However, the continuous impact disappeared soon.

The sound of the locust jumping disappeared as well.

After a few minutes, Lin Yue wiped the sweat off his face and was puzzled.

What was going on?

'It went away?'

However, Lin Yue could only guess.

After all, his shelter did not even have a window. He had no idea what was going on outside.

Just as he was feeling puzzled, Lin Yue suddenly heard a strange sound.

This sound came from above.

Straw was falling to the ground. Lin Yue raised his head and looked at the roof.

Less than three to four meters away, a huge locust head had already pierced through the straw roof and was staring at him with its huge compound eyes!

He almost instinctively opened the door and rushed out.

At the same time, a tremor came from behind. The giant locust had already fallen to the ground.

Lin Yue closed the door without thinking.

The door could not be opened outward, and the locust could not come out. For the time being, he was safe.

However, the sound of the impacts sounded from inside the hut.

If he left it alone, this newly built wooden hut might be destroyed.

If the shelter was destroyed…

He thought of the person who had turned gray after his hut collapsed.

'No, if the shelter is gone, I won't be far from death.'

Lin Yue wiped the sweat from his face and looked at the huge hole in the roof. He picked up the iron spear and climbed up.

For someone who was used to climbing trees in the orphanage, this was simply too easy.

Through the hole, Lin Yue looked into the room. The giant locust was still hitting the walls, causing strong vibrations to spread throughout the hut.

"Stinky bug, look here!"

Lin Yue tightened his grip on the iron spear and shouted angrily!

The locust noticed the commotion and suddenly jumped, flying straight for the hole!

The iron spear in Lin Yue's hand was instantly shot out when the monster reached close.


The tip of the spear stabbed into the locust's head, and the sharp tip quickly cut through its skin, rushing out of its lower abdomen and smashing heavily into the ground with the locust!

"Is it done?" Lin Yue looked at the thing jumping and struggling on the ground and did not let his guard down.

After a while, when its twitching decreased, Lin Yue finally relaxed and jumped down the roof.

[You have obtained an iron treasure chest!]

The notification finally arrived. Lin Yue's strength seemed to have been sucked away as he fell on the ground.

This was too dangerous.

He finally stood up after a while.

This locust was more like a monster than a mutated creature.

How could there be a locust as big as a big dog? It could jump so high.

If not for the iron spear, he might have to spend a lot of effort to kill it… or be killed by it.

It was Lin Yue's first time facing death. He took a deep breath as he calmed himself.

At this moment, the joy of obtaining the iron treasure chest washed away most of the nervousness.

He had been obtaining wooden treasure chests, and this was the first time he had obtained an iron treasure chest.

Only then did he remember that the survival manual had mentioned that the stronger the mutated creature, the higher the level of the treasure chest.

After entering the hut, there was indeed a metal box that was larger than the previous wooden treasure chest beside the huge red locust corpse.

Lin Yue dragged the heavy locust corpse out of the door and pulled the iron spear out.

After doing this, he felt exhausted.

Opportunities often followed challenges.

He opened the iron treasure chest.

[You have obtained: A box of matches, a packet of tin foil, a roll of toilet paper.]

There was actually a box of matches!

The importance of fire was self-evident.

If the mutated creatures attacked during the night, he would be in a passive position without a light source in the darkness. He might even lose his life.

Fire also allowed him to cook food and resist the cold.

Wooden treasure chests gave water and food at random.

As for the iron treasure chests, they seemed to provide some basic tools for survival.

Tin foil can be used as a cooking tool.

Lin Yue remembered some food videos where they wrapped food in tin foil and threw it into fire. The food was cooked quickly.

As for the toilet paper, he could not always use those unknown weeds to wipe his butt, right?

Lin Yue walked out of the hut again. After spending 1 piece of wood and 1 piece of iron to make an iron shovel, he started digging a pit.

It was naturally to bury this locust.

He had a feeling that this thing might attract other mutated creatures.

If there was an even more powerful one, it would be too overwhelming.

After a while, Lin Yue dug out the initial shape of a large pit.

However, he thought of something at this moment.

Could he dig out an underground shelter?

He looked back at the wooden hut.

If he had not killed the locust, how long could the wooden walls have lasted? What if he had encountered a mutated creature stronger than the giant locust?

Lin Yue felt that even if he changed the entire house to a stone hut, it would not be sturdy enough.

Moreover, he had to guard against more than just mutated creatures.

There were humans too.

This was a survival game, an extreme environment similar to an apocalypse.

When there was no water, no food, and even the shelter was gone, the ugliest side of human nature would be triggered.

Born in an orphanage, Lin Yue had come into contact with society earlier than ordinary people and was more aware of human nature. Therefore, he was more cautious than his peers.

He would not harm any humans, provided that no one harmed him.

The pit was finally dug. He looked up and saw the setting sun.

Unknowingly, it was already so late.