Manufacturing Madly

"Lin Yue, let's cut the crap. 1.8 liters is not difficult for you, right?"

"Isn't such a thing worth this price to you? Okay, let me take this loss and consider it as doing a good deed. Give 1.6 liters and take it."

"This can't be, right? You think such a low request is too much? Okay, 1.5 liters!"

"F*ck, make the transaction, why aren't you making the transaction!"


"I understand. You can't take out so much water. Hahaha, I guessed it. Lin Yue, do you not want it? I'll give you two hours!"

"Lin Yue, if you don't hurry up, I'll give it to the person who offered 1.2 liters."


"Boss Lin, please reply. Urine tastes too bad."

"Boss, I was wrong. I'll sell it for 1 liter. It'll be even better if there's instant noodles."

"Lord Lin, I'm begging you. I'm dying of thirst. Tell me how much you can offer. We can discuss it… I'll contact you immediately if I have anything good later, okay?"

Lin Yue looked at the messages sent by the seller, Zheng Jing, and was caught between laughter and tears.

From being arrogant at first, to coming to terms, and finally begging.

This fully reflected the entire process of Zheng Jing's psychological change due to the extreme lack of water; from being slightly anxious at the beginning, to anger, anxiousness, helplessness, mental breakdown, and even begging.

Almost all the people chatting in the group were talking about water.

There was no lack of cursing, pessimism, despair, anger, fear, and begging.

A large portion of them were still chanting Lin Yue's name, waiting for him to sell water.

Lin Yue could only sigh.

He had no choice.

Although he was not a saint, he could not let the total number of people in the group continue to decrease in the long term.

And now…

He glanced at the upper right corner. Good lord, there were only 8,001 people left?

In another moment, the number became less than 8000.

A lot of people seemed to have died the previous night.

A crisis of lack of water, hunger, and dangerous mutated creatures…

How many would be left after the disaster?

Lin Yue thought for a moment and decided to trade with Zheng Jing first.

In any case, he did not lack water. He was also very concerned about this soilless culture set.

After he bid 800 milliliters of water, Zheng Jing replied almost instantly.

"Lord Lin, please forgive me. Thank you so much for this!"

Soon, the transaction was completed.

[You have lost 800 milliliters of water.]

[You have obtained a small soilless culture set!]

Lin Yue took out an apple from his inventory and wiped it with his sleeve before taking a bite.

The crisp sound of the bite and the rich juice quickly entered his throat. The sweet and sour taste was like sweet dew.

This was a good thing that was exchanged for 100 milliliters of water. Lin Yue was puzzled. Why did the buyer trade it for water instead of eating it?

Biting on the apple, Lin Yue opened the manufacture interface.

He did not sell water immediately. Instead, he prepared to upgrade this shelter.

Yesterday, before he fell asleep, he had already upgraded the door to a stone door. Its sturdiness was much stronger than the wooden door.

The structure of this stone door was beyond Lin Yue's expectations.

As long as he held the handle tightly, he could easily push it. The reason was that there was a glide wheel below. It was quite scientific.

Moreover, the stone door was equipped with a keystone. After pushing it against the door, the bottom would be stuck in a small pit. It was impossible to pull it again.

This way, no matter how the person outside tried, the door would not open.

What Lin Yue wanted to change was not just this door.

The walls, the roof, he wanted to change everything in one go.

If any giant locust were to try to smash in again, their heads should be the one to burst!

He looked at the manufacture panel.

[Stone Walls: Stone x20]

[Stone Roof: Stone x10]

[Stone Floor: Stone x10]

He had 36 stones.

The walls and roof were directly upgraded.

As for the floor…

Lin Yue was still thinking about making a basement and decided to not change the floor for now.

He pressed create and a gentle white light lit up.

Extremely hard stone replaced the originally uneven wooden walls. At the same time, the roof also underwent a qualitative change!

The neat stone walls, roof, and door had already completely fused together to create a strange thickness that enveloped Lin Yue, increasing his sense of security.

He opened the Shelter panel.

Shelter: Stone Hut

Area: 40 m2

Durability: 120/120

Evaluation: Pray that the next disaster is not an earthquake.

Lin Yue: "F*ck"

What the hell was with this system?

He had to pray that he did not encounter an earthquake? What kind of shelter could be so awesome that the system could not say anything?

Lin Yue felt that he had to explore this.

[You made an iron dagger. Wood-1, Iron-2]

[You made a wooden shield. Wood -3]

[You made a wooden barrel. Wood -3, Iron -1]

[You made a wooden cabinet. Wood -6, Iron -1]

[You have made a wooden window. Wood-4, Iron-1]

[You made a wok. Wood -1, Iron -2]

[You have made an iron hammer. Wood-1, Iron-2]

[You have made a wooden table. Wood-4]

[You have made an iron spear. Wood-2, Iron-3]

A large pile of things was created by Lin Yue, and he quickly placed them in corresponding positions.

As for the wooden window, Lin Yue was in no hurry to use it.

After all, this was just a window frame, and it did not come with glass.

If a locust jumped in from this empty frame at night and killed him, it would not be a joke.

However, Lin Yue did feel a sense of accomplishment after creating so much at once.

Although the raw materials were disappearing, he felt that the shelter was stronger and safer than before. Moreover, it felt more like a 'home'.

In this other world, this shelter was indeed a home.

There was a bed, a table, a cabinet, a wooden barrel, and a wok. As for weapons and tools, there was a wooden shield, a hammer, and another iron spear.

From the looks of it, this was already quite good.

Lin Yue finished the last bite of the apple and carefully dug out the apple seeds to dry on the wooden table. He lay on the wooden bed and watched the group chat.

The group was still lively.

However, this liveliness was an illusion that was created by spamming 'water' in the chat.

The number of people in the upper right corner was still decreasing, and it even showed signs of accelerating.

Lin Yue also knew that the time to sell water on a large scale had arrived.

He still had nearly seven liters of water.

How about selling half?