Strange Secret Realm, Xiaobai's Merit!


Lin Yue's back hit the mottled wall, producing a muffled sound.

"It's… really strong! F*cking rat!" Lin Yue struggled to stand up and looked at the animal on the ground that had gotten dizzy after ramming into his shield. A machete appeared in his hand.

Although it was different from the small gray animal in his impression and this thing in front of him was at least the size of a medium-sized dog, its appearance was not much different from the rats in his memory.

"Squeak!!" The big rat shook its head. Before it could recover, Lin Yu's machete had already slashed down!

However, the big rat rolled over and dodged this fatal blow. The machete struck the cement and produced sparks.

Lin Yue was about to slash again, when he heard a 'puji' sound. Xiaobai had jumped onto the back of the huge rat and spat out white gas!

Almost instantly, the large rat's movements stopped, and Lin Yue's machete followed!

The rat gave out a shrill cry before being cut into two by Lin Yue!

"It's finally settled." Lin Yue wiped the sweat from his forehead. He picked up the iron spear and poked the huge rat. After realizing that it was completely motionless, he heaved a sigh of relief.

He did not expect it to be so dangerous.

The rat was much faster than him. Although it was only a matter of time before he killed it, he would definitely be injured.

The reason why he could resolve the battle in a short time was because of Xiaobai's help.

Lin Yue had seen that Xiaobai, who was clearly faster than the rat, lay on its back and blew on it, then the rat stopped moving.

Lin Yue looked carefully and saw a layer of frost on the rat's long gray fur!

He immediately remembered Xiaobai's character interface. Its Frost Breath had the ability to freeze the target for a few seconds.

It was a huge help.

"Xiaobai, well done." Lin Yue touched the head of Xiaobai, who had returned to his shoulder.

Xiaobai also narrowed its ruby-like eyes, enjoying Lin Yue's caress.

However, to Lin Yue's surprise, Xiaobai did not seem to want to eat the meat of the rat on the ground. Instead, it played with Lin Yue's shoulder and arm.

This little guy did not seem to be afraid in battle. It was a good helper.

Lin Yue looked at the rat's corpse again and raised its head with the iron spear to take a closer look.

It was dead as a dodo.

Strangely, he gained no treasure chest from it.

It seemed like this world was completely different from the other world.

The rules of the two worlds were not the same, except for the inventory.

Lin Yue put away his machete and picked up the small round shield before checking the vambrace on his arm that had been bitten by the rat.

Almost half of it was destroyed!

"Wow, such power."

Lin Yue tried his best to speak casually to calm himself down, but he knew that if a few more rats came, he would definitely be injured.

Or even worse!

Taking a deep breath, he looked at the door where the big rat had jumped out from and decided not to take the risk this time.

Without a torch, the light source was a problem.

Moreover, he did not have a powerful weapon. And Xiaobai could not do much else other than breathing out freezing air.

Safety first.

In any case, he was here to scout this time.

Moreover, he had already gained a lot.

After thinking this through, Lin Yue decided to retreat now.

There was no need for him to take the risk.

It would not be too late to explore more after he had enough weapons and equipment!

"Xiaobai, let's go," Lin Yue said as he walked backward while observing the surroundings vigilantly.

If anything else came, it would just be more trouble.

On the asphalt road, Lin Yue followed the direction of the materials he had thrown as coordinates and returned to the ancient door.

After storing the materials, he suddenly thought of something and went to that car.

Although the frame was old and rusty, it seemed like it could be taken away…

[Target object is too large to carry.]

Damn it, the system did not allow it.


Lin Yue pried open the hood with the iron spear and picked at the parts.

[You have obtained a rusty car engine x1]

[You have obtained battery x1]

[You have obtained fuse x1]

As for the other things, Lin Yue felt that he could not use them for the time being. After all, he did not have any expectations of being able to drive in the wasteland.

No matter how good a car was, it would be useless on the bumpy path in the wasteland.

However, Lin Yue felt that he could use the engine, battery, and fuse, especially the battery. He wanted to use this thing to create something.

After confirming that there was nothing else to take, Lin Yue reached for the tires.

Although this car was rusty, the flat tires might be of use elsewhere.

It did not take long before Lin Yue removed the tires and placed them in his inventory.

After doing this, Lin Yue finally walked back to the ancient door. After confirming that he had brought everything, he opened the door and stepped out of the fog.

The ancient door closed with a heavy sound. Lin Yue bathed in the sunlight and took a deep breath.

The secret realm in the ancient door was very strange.

Instead of calling it a foreign land, it was more like Earth decades after humans disappeared.

Collapsed buildings, abandoned cars, cracked asphalt roads, tables and chairs that were as fragile as paper…

Lin Yue did not explore many places, but those things gave him an intense feeling.

Moreover, that huge rat made Lin Yue worry about the ecology there.

Even the rats were so big. What about the predators, would they be bigger?

"Puji!" Xiaobai's voice pulled Lin Yue back to reality.

"Xiaobai, let's go back first. When we become stronger, we will come again!"

As Lin Yue spoke, he turned around and looked at the secret realm's ancient door that was emitting white fog behind him. He walked towards the shelter.

It was almost evening.

Lin Yue quickened his pace.

His left arm was hurting even though the vambrace had blocked the rat's bite. Moreover, powerful mutated creatures became active after sunset.

He had spent a lot of effort in the secret realm, and the crazy attacks of the huge rat had taken a toll on his mind.

It made him want to quickly lie on the bed and peek at the group chat to relax his mind.

When he finally returned to the hut, Lin Yue heaved a sigh of relief, but he remembered something.

The pile of feces behind the hut had not been cleaned up.

He would not be able to stand it if the smell entered the hut at night.

After taking a shit and cleaning with toilet paper, Lin Yue dug a huge pit with the shovel.

Just as he was about to push the feces into the pit, an idea suddenly appeared.

These mutated sheep use this place as a toilet every day. Then…

Wouldn't it be nice to set a trap?