Indescribable Enemy

The door was quite shabby. With a light pull, it shattered like foam.

Lin Yue covered his nose and walked into the shop with the dust, heading straight for the big metal thing he had just seen.

As his hand touched the thing that was not damaged much by the passage of time, the system quickly sent a message!

[You have obtained an embedded steel plate fireplace.]

Who would have thought that the thing he had spent so much effort to create would be found in this secret realm so easily?

Lin Yue thought of the meaning of the existence of this secret realm.

He looked around the room, and the flames on the torch kept jumping.

Xiaobai did not make a sound and lay obediently on his shoulder.

Its ruby-like eyes looked around curiously.

Tables, chairs, books, paper, and other things had all decayed. Metallic things were covered in rust.

However, he saw some dusty glasses and porcelain plates that did not shatter and carefully placed them in his inventory.

There were not many things that could resist the flood of time, but things like glass and porcelain could retain their integrity longer than wood and metal.

Lin Yue did not know how many years later this was, but it should be the Earth he knew.

He searched carefully in the shop and even went to the second floor to search.

After not finding anything useful, he thought for a while and decided to return to the shelter first. He would come back another day.

Since he had already found a fireplace, there was no need to search for iron mesh.

Puji! Puji!

At this moment, Xiaobai suddenly cried out. Just as Lin Yue got ready to fight, he realized that Xiaobai was hiding behind him and biting his clothes hard, its entire body trembling.

"Xiaobai?" Lin Yue believed in Xiaobai's intuition. This little guy had sensed those big rats much earlier than him.

And its current state proved that… danger was coming!

He instantly squatted down in the corner and piled a few pieces of wood in front of him, completely hiding his location.

At the same time, he looked through the gap in the wood at the empty window frame on the second floor.

Outside was a hazy fog.

Suddenly, a shrill cry sounded. Then, a shadow fell from the sky and landed on the window frame!

Lin Yue was surprised to discover that these were three creatures he had never seen before!

They had a dark red body covered in keratotic skin and a pair of thin wings on their back.

They had five bird-like claws under their strong hind legs. At this moment, they were grabbing the window frame tightly. Their lizard-like bright yellow eyes kept scanning the room.

Lin Yue believed that their long beaks were as hard as awls. The round shield in his hand and the wooden armor on his body would not be able to withstand a single blow!

Not only that, when these monsters turned to look in another direction, the long white tentacles behind their heads moved up and down!

What… What kind of monster was this?

It looked like a combination of a bat and a bird. It also looked like the pterosaur's concept art that he had seen before!

But those tentacles…

He tried his best to control his breathing and not make any sound. He even lowered his head and stopped looking. Xiaobai even closed its eyes and curled up without moving.

It was obvious how dangerous this creature was!

Lin Yue knew very well that if he rushed out rashly, he would undoubtedly become food for these terrifying monsters!

Time passed slowly. Lin Yue had never felt time moving so slowly.

He tried his best to control his heart from beating too fast. At the same time, he hoped that the monsters would leave quickly.

After an unknown period of time, the three monsters spread their wings and let out another indescribable distorted cries before flying away.

Lin Yue waited for a while longer. His legs were almost numb from squatting. Only then did he heave a sigh of relief and sit gently on the ground.

Xiaobai returned to his shoulder, still in a shocked state. It kept looking around.

After resting for a while and confirming that it was safe, Lin Yue gently stood up and put away the wood. He immediately went down the stairs to the first floor.

His heart was beating crazily!

"What kind of creature is that? Was there such a creature on Earth?"

The more Lin Yue thought about it, the more he felt that compared to them, the mutated sheep he had encountered earlier were harmless.

He recalled the group chat. Some people's profiles turned gray after they entered the secret realm. Perhaps they had encountered those monsters.

After exiting the house, Lin Yue returned to that collapsed building as quickly as possible. He immediately found the end of the wool yarn and walked towards the ancient door.

Of course, he was extremely careful along the way and paid attention to Xiaobai's actions.

When he arrived at the ancient door, he saw that the corpses of the big rats he had killed were gone.

On the hard asphalt road, there were only pools of blood and huge claw marks!

Pushing open the ancient door, Lin Yue breathed in the air of the wasteland again. He relaxed and sat on the ground.

Too dangerous!

At this moment, he did not have the strength to fight against even one flying monster that was about two meters long, let alone three!

If only…

At this moment, a crystalline snowflake swayed before him. Finally, it turned into a drop of water on his pants and disappeared.

Lin Yue looked up. More snow fell from the gloomy sky.

"It's snowing? Wait, why is it snowing so quickly?"

Today was the fifth day. The disaster would only happen the day after tomorrow.

The snow became denser.

But after landing on the ground, it quickly turned into water droplets that seeped into the soil.

Even so, Lin Yue could feel the coldness brought by the snow!

Lin Yue thought that Xiaobai, who could breathe cold air, would like the snow very much, but he did not expect this little guy to crawl into his pocket and not even dare to show its head.

"What's wrong? Isn't this the weather you like?"

Lin Yue was puzzled.

Something was wrong.

He quickly returned to the shelter and took off his equipment. He realized that Xiaobai was walking around the table as if nothing had happened.

However, to this ice lizard, this snow that was most suitable for its nature did not attract its interest at all.

Instead, Lin Yue felt that it seemed to be afraid of the snow.

Could it be that there was a problem with the snow?

Lin Yue walked out of the house and reached out to catch a snowflake. But the moment the snowflake melted, he suddenly felt a slight burning sensation!