Is His Shelter in the Same Dimension as Mine?

On the screen was Lin Yue, who was holding bacon and instant noodles with his chopsticks and looking blankly at the camera.

The focus of everyone in the group was on something else.

Sensing something, Lin Yue quickly ran down to the basement and put on his vest and flight pants and returned.

"Ahem, not bad. I think it's average."

"I can even wrap mine around my waist, but did I say anything? Did I act proud?"

"According to my experience over the years, this is really…"

"Does God Lin lack a partner? Don't be so stuck about gender."

"I want to have a deep conversation with you."

"Wait, I am the first in line! Even the word 'God Lin' was invented by me, okay?"

"I am already on my way."


However, these people's voices were quickly replaced by exclamations.

The camera spun inside the shelter and captured everything on the first floor.

"Wait, wasn't it a stone shelter? Why are the walls inside the house wooden?"

"I got it! F*ck, Lin Yue is awesome. He used wooden planks to strengthen the insulation and nailed the skin of the mutated creature on them. It's equivalent to adding another layer of warmth."

"F*ck, isn't that a built-in steel plate fireplace? I've sold that before. It has secondary combustion and also…"

"Get to the point."

"In short, with such a thing and Lin Yue's double-layered heating measures, it's easy for there to be a gap in the snowfield outside without snow anywhere near the shelter. Of course, he has to wear light clothes inside due to this; otherwise, he might get a heat stroke."

"Isn't it wonderful to have a heat stroke during a snowstorm? I understand now why he opened the window. It is not to show off, but because it is really hot inside. Of course, it can also be considered showing off, I guess?"

"Look at the sweat on Lin Yue's head. It's not that he doesn't want to wear clothes, but he really can't. He hasn't even worn the clothes for a minute, but his sweat is already flowing down like water, right?"

"Professional! Boss is awesome!"

The scene continued to move. Everyone was carefully looking at this shelter that shook them deeply.

Many people also realized from the bottom of their hearts that Lin Yue was not just a person with a lot of water. He really had a certain ability to allow his points to be three times that of the second place.

Moreover, many people knew very well that things might not be so simple.

After the camera was focused on Lin Yue's table, everyone was envious once again.

"Enough already. I've been eating grass for two days. It's all thanks to Lin Yue that I can eat meat for the first time in seven days, but I didn't expect a top-notch configuration like bacon and instant noodles."

"There is even an apple. I forgot when I last ate fruits."

"And potato chips… Good lord, my lunch just now was the crumbs from the steamed bun from a treasure chest several days ago. This comparison is too hurtful."

"Everyone, take a closer look at that instant noodles. Look more carefully, who knows you might get full just by looking at it. This is called feeding on illusions."

"Are you a demon? I'm even hungrier now. Ten thousand people begging Boss Lin to sell instant noodles! 1/10,000!"


"Do you guys see that? Glass, coffee! F*ck, we seem to be living in different dimensions. Why don't I even have water?"

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry to praise him. Lin Yue definitely has companions. They're probably hiding in the basement. I don't believe that he can get so many things and live so well by himself! He's just a mascot."

"That's right, like I said before, if he doesn't have companions, I'll eat shit upside down!"


However, other than these people who were looking at Lin Yue's appearance and what he ate, many people also noticed Xiaobai, who was eating an apple and instant noodles.

"How cute. Where can we find this thing? I want it!"

"From rough estimation, that lizard looks 18 centimeters, as big as Lin Yue's d*ck!"

"Haha, that's half the size of mine."

"This little thing's eyes are so beautiful. It's pure red. Lin Yue, can you send it to me? Don't forget to add two liters of water as well."

"F*ck, why is it so cute? Why!"

"I want to raise one too. Who knows where I can get it?"

Xiaobai seemed to sense something. After taking a bite, its two ruby-like eyes stared ahead and suddenly spat out visible white fog!

The screen was instantly covered by the white fog, but it became clear again after a while.

But this time, the others were not calm.

"Did… did you see that? White fog?"

"Has the magic world begun? No one can stop me. I know the Avada Kedavra Curse!"

"Uh, wait, have you guys not seen mutated creatures that can breathe fire? This is not ridiculous. The real ridiculous thing is that Lin Yue can tame such a mutated creature, okay?"

"Now that you said it, when I went to a cave previously, I saw a similar mutated creature, but it was much larger and extremely ferocious. I relied on my agile movements to avoid it. They are overlords in the cave."

"Who is Lin Yue? He can actually tame this thing?"

"He definitely has companions to help him!"

However, after the camera circled the room again and displayed the complete furniture and various weapons, it descended from the stairs below the table and directly entered the quiet basement.

The basement was quiet.

Other than a bed with a sleeping mat, there were a large number of materials, and a lot of them were unfamiliar to everyone. Moreover, there was no one else in the basement.

Some people were shocked by the fur, some were shocked by the fact that Lin Yue had obtained a lot of machinery, and some were thinking about how Lin Yue could have achieved so much in such a short time.

At this moment, the screen changed again, showing the detailed evaluation on Lin Yue.

[Comprehensive score: 1095]

[Shelter Rating: 350]

[Resource Rating: 495]

[Bonus for number of people in the shelter: 0]

[Bonus for disaster resistance measures: 250]

Unlike the previous two rankings, almost no one questioned Lin Yue's ranking this time, let alone think that there was a problem with the system's score.

Everyone saw how different Lin Yue's life was in this snowstorm where everyone was about to freeze to death.

While others wished they could wrap themselves in ten layers of fur, Lin Yue was so hot that he could only sweat and sleep.

Other people had to split even a drop of water in two and last for three to four days with a piece of bread, but he actually drank coffee and ate instant noodles. He even ate the noodles with bacon, and there were fruits and snacks after the meal.

Other people were lonely and could only let their hands accompany them. However, not only did Lin Yue have an extremely beautiful and cute pet, that pet could even breathe cold air and was quite spiritual.

No matter what, Lin Yue lived a different life. He was ahead of everyone, as if everyone was suffering hardships, and he was having a vacation.

"Why is his life different from ours?" Someone roared.