Be Wary

At that moment, the lava ball exploded, and the corpses of the Golden-armored Berserk Wolves appeared before the group.

Shen Fei's eyes filled with doubt as he looked at the corpse. "What is this?" He could not understand why the lava ball suddenly summoned this object…

Suddenly, the corpse exploded! A pile of oddly-shaped metal pieces were left in its place. 

 Shen Fei frowned and reached out to touch one of the metal pieces, but he quickly withdrew his hand as he got burned.

"Looks like these shards need to be studied," he muttered to himself.

"Instructor, there are words here." A student named Lin Rourou pointed at some words that had appeared on the ground. Everyone's eyes then focused on that spot.

The words were written in an ancient script. 

[All who enter shall die!]

"What the hell is this?" Everyone looked shocked.