What starts with an interesting metaphysical premise in the prologue with the protagonist John Carlos Martin (JC) in Nepal at the hermitage of his Guru interjects two interesting insights and curiosities for you readers to latch onto: the internal journey of thanking himself and a desire for astral travel. Not just any out-of-body experience but one to different "far away places." Specifically, JC wants to communicate with a former girlfriend , in another hemisphere who died in a car accident with him driving. The story begins on chap 1 with a murder in Cebu, Philippines, and the mention of "the monster." Then it moves to JC in New York in an apartment owned by his family. That lends to the question of why is that tidbit interjected. Will that free him to travel? Where does the setup take him? It progresses with the interjection of Kate, a co-worker at the newspaper where they both work, and you´ll learn that JC is not yet open to a romantic liaison because an earlier love has died. He talks to her and again you will be wondering if this is why he's interested in astral projection/travel. And what will transpire when he meets new people? As the story moves between New York and Cebu, we learn about a senator and JC traveling to cover him but when he arrives he learns the senator has been assassinated. Interjected into the story is a group of secretive elitists composed of educated people with pseudonyms, and a corrupt government with a president who is using his advisors, another group called PP12, to do his dirty work to gain him a dictatorship. This all ties in with the assassination and how it comes together in the plot. Also as the action unfolds, in the back of your mind are questions about JCs interest in astral projections and when Dr. Tessa Lopez's character is introduced love re-enters his life. No spoilers. You will be invested in the story. You will stay invested in the arising conflicts and resolutions right down to the satisfying ending. Read it and you will enjoy JC´s adventure.