Luke has a drinking problem

'This tastes like piss' was Luke's impression after drinking his first beer, and in a parallel world no less!

But seeing everyone drinking it so happily, he forced himself to drink just to avoid being look down. After living for so long in a forest with a bunch of inept people and so far from civilization, all he wanted was to impress other people.

He had a rough start with his companions, but he was sure he would be able to make new friends in Ironwoods.

He tried to wash down the taste of beer with cider, but cider wasn't the sweed drink he thought it to be, it was bitter and tasteless. In short, he was awfully disappointed by the taste of alcohol.

'Why does everyone go mad about this stuff?' he couldn't wrap his head arount it.

It wasn't until he set foot into the brothel that he finally got it.

"I want a drink"

He asked a hot brunette that was leaning on the bar.

"Of course handsome"