Seriously? please! part 1

"Come on Bob, you can't possibly be thinking Lorenzo will betray us"

Risa laughed as she patted his shoulder, but Bob didn't reply. It was only after Luke saw Bob so serious that he realized the mistake he just made. Even if lorenzo had been Sera's instructor before, it didn't mean he would help them. Not only that, all it took for him to frustrate their plans was to tell on the adventurer's guildmaster.

"Yeah Lorenzo, don't worry we'll be fine. We're just going to Baroco to appeal to Sera's sentence"

Luke said in an attempt to cover their true intentions. Thankfully, for the first time Risa caught wind of Luke's intentions and confirmed his words.

"Of course, I wouldn't tag along if they were planning on doins something stupid"

Lorenzo seemed to be convinced and then sighed.

"I don't think they'll take your words into consideration, her crimes are too serious. But I wish you the best of luck"