Don't forget your reward, please! part 3

Risa ended up being the one in charge of tying the rope around the round object, not only was she the fastest but underneath her red leather cape she was wearing something more similar to a tiny swimsuit than actual clothing.

The lake received the full amount of the waterfall during the night and the morning, nevertheless it wasn't enough to fill even a hundreth part of the lake's maximum capacity.

After accomplishin her task, Risa pulled the rope softly two times to signal everyone up top that it was time to pull. She then ran as fast as she could to reach the top where everyone was already pulling with all their strength.

The rope creaked as they tried to unearth the stone container from the bottom of the lake. Once the ball was out of the muddy ground it became a lot easier to pull and when Bob was able to push it uphill it became a lot lighter giving everyone a chance to catch their breath.