Don't mess with mercenaries, please! part 3

Ever since he set off in his journey to recover his spear, Hagen had been through hell. He had been scammed, robbed, attacked, it was a slow but steady descent into decay. At first he too attempted to take care of his appearance whenever he came into enough money to buy water, but water was scarce in the wastelands and oddly, it's more expensive than ale. Unfortunately for him he was only skilled with spears and spears only making it increasingly difficult for him to come by any money at all.

People in town knew how he would only fight using polearms and that he would make quick work of his enemies and weapons alike. Hagen was, indeed, strong, but once people started charging him three times the price for any weapon he was left penniless and became a bump and a drunk.

It's not like people in town were unusually evil or greedy, but weapons were difficult and expensive to craft and every spear he broke was one less weapon available to defend the city.