
l kept wriggling my butt from left to right pretending to be looking for the exact place l dropped the imaginary thing. When l felt his gaze is fixed on me, l turned sharply to him and caught him red handed. l stared at him with a knowing, hurt and painful look. l pretended to be hurt by the fact that l was being lustfully stared at by someone old enough to be my dad. Then l ran up the stairs to my room. immediately l got to my room, l jammed the door loudly and let out a loud, mocking laugh. You need to see the man's face. He was all red and guilty. Less than some minutes after my little escapade, l heard the sound of a car driving out of our compound and l knew for sure that he is the one. I got him! l said to myself happily. l jumped on my bed giggling happy as l resumed reading the novel l was previously reading

End of flashback

"Welcome madam" The gateman greeted my mum as we made our way inside the house. I strolled into my room immediately we got inside to avoid lectures on how to behave in the university. l have had enough and more than enough advice from my and l don't want more of it. l moved to my already packed traveling bag and box as l sighed inwardly. Tomorrow is the d day.

"Chiamaka are you sure every of your load has been stocked in the car? l don't want to hear that you forgot something okay?" my mum announced as we got into the car. Ready for the long and time consuming drive to the Hues University of Science.

"Yes mum. l packed all" l replied gingerly. God knows how eager l am to reach the school and start the semester already. l turned on the radio of the car and Ladipoe's feeling started playing while l sing along enthusiastically. The ride to the school was stressful as expected. l slept, wake up, ate, slept back and wake up again. The driver must be very very exhausted. l thought. feeling sorry for the poor driver.

"Madam na right l go turn to abi" the driver asked

"Yes" my mum replied

Thank God! it looks like we are close to the school now. We passed through turns and turns before we drove into the wide gate of The Hues University of Science. The gate is painted in white and securities were there to ensure guide the activities of the gate. We were finally allowed to enter the school after showing them the necessary documents they asked for. The drive to the school was lovely with tall trees and vegetation on the left and right hand side of the tiled road. The air was fresh and oxygen filled as l made sure l take long breath as we drove through. After what seems like a minute drive, we finally saw the school's gigantic, vast, alluring building. I was awed by the magnificent buildings and captivating colour. The building is painted in different bright colours. It is lovely piece of art. We parked the car in the driveway and alighted. We found our way to the admission office where my mum paid the necessary fees.

"Hello! my name is Miss Bright and l am your guide" a lady in official wear of white too and black skirt said to my mum and l. I guess this is the point we have to part as parents are not allowed to enter the school premises with their ward. It is a university. l turned to look at my mum and l realized that l might not get to see her for the next three months. l have never been apart from this woman how will l cope now? My willingness to come to school and be dependent had blocked the feeling of having to be far from my parents. My home. I did not know when tears rolled down my face and my mum quickly wiped them off as she drew me in for a tight, assuring hug.

"Chiamaka my darling.. don't worry. I will call you everyday. Alright?" l nodded with my head that was still resting on her breast. I can't remember when last l hugged my mum. "Just be a good girl that you've always been and face your studies squarely my daughter" I nodded again as l slowly pulled away from her. This time, my eyes was all puff and red from the tears. Mum ruffled my hair as the student guide assisted me in carrying some of my luggage while l carried the rest. I bid mum goodbye and followed the guide when l heard our driver's voice

"Small madam..bye bye" he said as he waved his hand while l just smiled and replied with a bye bye..

The student guide and l passed through tall, elegant buildings until we got to a part of the school with a sign board that read "Girl's hostel" The girl's hostel is vast with beautiful garden just at the front of the building. We entered inside and we got to the reception. The student guide discussed some things with the receptionist after which l was given a key and directed to the room. We made our way through the corridor of the second floor of the hostel where my room was said to be located. Room 205, l read out loud after locating the room. l knocked on the door like twice before someone eventually opened it. l greeted the person who looked like she was interrupted from something interesting that she was doing. The student guide assisted me in packing my luggage inside and she left after giving me a book that according to her, contains the direction to everywhere in the school and the rules and regulations of the school too. The room is kind of big with two medium sized bed situated not too far from each other. It is coloured in purple with the curtains and bed sheets in pink. l fell in love with the interior immediately. All the while, my roommate was sitting on the bed observing my every move like a predator. When l was unable to take it again, l turned to her...