
Grace was tied to the bed hands apart and legs apart. She is blindfolded. Joy and Divine are all over her. Joy's attention was on her pussy. Eating the daylight out of her while Divine's main focus was on her breast. They did not seem to notice me as they kept on doing what they were doing. Grace was the one screaming on top of her voice while others moaned. The sight before me was awful and enticing at the same time. What in god's name is this? So my suspicion was right all along. These girls are lesbian. l wanted to scream at them. l wanted to report them to the facilities but here l am, finding it hard to even move out. My legs felt heavy and juice dripped from my pussy. What am l doing? l am meant to hate them and request for change of room immediately but l felt my body drawn to them. l wished l was in Grace position. The way she is screaming, wriggling her head from left to right, arching her back into Divine's mouth and struggling to close her thighs and free her arms which are bound to the bed. l looked dreamily at them and felt the urge to join them. However, l regained consciousness immediately and silently but steadily walked back to the door. l raced to my room after closing the door as the sight of their making out filled my mind. l began to shake unconsciously as l felt emptiness between my thighs. l need to fill my hole with something. Anything. l thought as l took off my cloth and lied on the bed in my bathroom suit. l closed my eyes as l imagined bring in Grace position. l had never masturbate in my life so l have no idea what to touch in my body. But instinctively, my hand found my pussy and breast. l began to rub them as l moaned with need. The ache between my legs did not stop and l knew l need something else. Vulnerable, l searched for porn on the internet and clicked on one of the many videos that was displayed. l watched as many as l could until l fell asleep.

The siren sounded as usual, waking me up to the beautiful morning. l sat up on my bed and mumbled my prayers. I remembered what happened yesterday and asked for forgiveness and blamed it all on the devil. After my prayers, l looked at Grace bed and it was still empty. She did not come back yesterday? Slut! l stood up lazily and moved into the bathroom. l performed the bathroom rituals before moving out. l applied lotion on my skin as l stared at myself in the mirror. The image from yesterday flashed in my mind and l reprimanded my mind for bringing such awful thing to me. l was still looking for clothes when the door opened to reveal Grace. instinctively, l felt the need for my rowel to cover myself but l had left it in the bathroom. it will be suspicious of me to go to the bathroom to bring the towel so l stayed there. Expectedly, her eyes raked over my body as she took in my form.

"Good morning" Grace greeted sweetly and l noticed that her voice is hoarse. Probably from too much screaming l thought.

"Good morning" l replied dryly

"l am sorry. l couldn't come back yesterday. We read overnight so l slept over" she lied through her teeth

"lt is okay. Hope you understood what you read"

"Sure! Very very well." She replied with a knowing smile and l felt fluids in my pants. Is something wrong with me!

"Dress up quickly so that we can move to the meal hall" is this girl in her right senses? l can't wait to wiper the smile off her face when l tell her how l saw her yesterday. We found our way to the meal hall and speak of the devil, her two partner in crime were there. Already smiling sheepishly once they saw us. l felt the urge to desert them and find another sit but that will be brow raising. Grace and l walked over to the food section and served ourselves voluptuous amount as usual before going over to the table

"Bella you are looking good as always" Joy pronounced. What? am l her next prey? l said inwardly as l eyed her inwardly

"l agree with you" Divine chipped in

"Thank you!!" l replied in a mocking voice as l smile knowingly at them. The trio were caught off guard at first and they all stared at me but continued to eat their meal nevertheless. The table became quiet since then with everyone in their thoughts. After our meal, Grace and l left for Physics class. The tension in the meal hall extended and neither of us said anything till we got to class.

Today's lectures have finally ended and l can't wait to get to the hostel. I had been picturing my bed in my mind because l can't wait to lie on it. Grace had left me to sit somewhere else during our classes and l can't be more grateful to her for the space. I was beginning to get suffocated already but then, she cut my well appreciated freedom short as she joined me on the corridor on my way home. l did not spare her a glance as l kept walking pretending she isn't there

"Hey" She voiced


"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"And what did l tell you is wrong with me?"

"You are acting off girl!" She replied raising her voice

"It is none of your business" l snapped and hastened my steps as she was beginning to suffocate me already.

"Hey girl, come back here! You can't walk out on me!" Grace said as she increased her pace too trying to catch up with me. l did not stop instead l increased my pace too but then, Gold, a girl in our department blocked my way making me stop abruptly after which Grace collided with me probably because she wasn't expecting me to stop. We both winced from the impact of the hit and glares at Gold who was the cause of the whole thing.

"Have you guys heard?" She shuttered. Eager to tell us wherever she has in that her head

"What?" Grace replied uninterested as she did little to reduce her glare. She is such a lovely creature and we have a lot in common if not for the sinful act she is indulging in

"There are news of gays in this school" Gold replied

"What? Gays?" Grace replied and l marveled at how easily she can pretend like she is not one. I decided to prick her

"That isn't really a news since there are lesbians too" l said, keeping my eyes on Grace


"What?" Grace and Gold asked at the same time. l just smirk and faced Gold

"Ask Bella. She knows more than me.." l was still talking when Grace grabbed my wrist and dragged me away. l tried fighting but she wouldn't budge so l let her drag me. She dragged me till we got to inside her room before pushing me in. She locked the door behind her and faced me

"What is the meaning of that Bella?" She asked, anger evident in her voice

"The meaning of what ?" l replied nonchalantly as l settled on my bed

"You are asking me that for real? How dare you? How dare you say things you don't know?"

"And what did l say that l did not know?"

"Is this playing Bella? Where is the whole lesbian think coming from?"