
After such a long time of beefing each other, this is the first time we talked freely and joked happily in school. Since the first class, we've been jolly with each other and l am sure the whole class noticed the change in behaviour. We were quick to forget our uneasiness about seeing Dr Lynda as we focused on our just brewing relationship. During lunch, we moved to the cafeteria where we met Joy and Divine who were more than surprised to see us getting along so well. They apologized toe about their past action and l forgave them. l asked if they are originally a lesbian but they replied in the negative. All of them must really be doing this only for pleasure. We ordered pasta and cheese, egg roll and toast. We ate in laughter and cheer happiness until the siren went off, indicating the end of lunch and the commencement of a new lecture. Divine and Joy left for their class while myself and Grace were finding it so difficult to go to class. We have Dr Lynda's subject now and it turns my stomach so bad. How will we face the woman? l suggested we pretend to be sick so we can escape her class but then, if we escape today, we will have to face it next time. We braced ourselves up eventually and prepared for whatever awkwardness awaits us. While we walked through the corridor with our hearts in our mouths, the devil herself showed right in front of us. l almost lost my balance at the sight of Dr Lynda. She was right there in all her gracious charm. My eyes caught the breast and the naughty memory of me sucking the daylight out of it came to mind. l shook it off immediately. What brains brings such thought at a time like this?

"Girls, please let's not make this awkward. We committed no crime alright? Don't let whatever happened between us cause tension or make us lose our concentration in class. Infact, the fact that you've been intimate with your teacher before and she submitted to you should give you much freedom and power over her. So??" She spoke calmly like she's practiced the lines several times before confronting us

"Gosh! I couldn't breath on my way to class. Thanks Dr Lynda. You are the best!" Grace shuttered, raising up her thumb like a kid

'I think we are good to go now Dr' l said as l let myself visibly relax. The trio of us walked like we just conquered the world through the beautiful corridor of the school till we got to the lecture hall.

The lecture was smooth and nice. I made sure l devote my full attention to Dr Lynda and thankfully, Grace did the same. At the end of the lecture, Divine rushed in like she was being chased only to break the news of the freshmen night party that has been scheduled to take place in the school's hall that weekend. It wasn't news to me since the night party gist is everywhere. You can hardly go around without hearing one person or the other talking about the party.

"Damn!!! Divine!! It is going to be lit girl. Should we go shopping to get some bitchy dresses?"

"Of course Grace! Why don't we visit Lumini? They have those crazy dresses that will get a man tongue tied"

"Yes! Lumini it is"

'Hey girls, you will meet me in the hostel after your crazy bitchy shopping!' l said sarcastically, looking from one person to the other

"Well, you ain't going nowhere because we are doing this shopping together!!" Divine screamed, getting the attention of the class for a second before they went back to whatever they were doing after making funny faces at her

'Well, look who we got here? The attention drawer' l said, rolling my eyes at her.

"Whatever!" She replied, not attempting to lower her voice a bit.

Joy joined us and we all found our way to Lumini in Grace's car. Grace drove at an unbearable speed while blues played at a very loud rate in the car. She was going to get us killed before our time. If not for her family pictures, l would have argued she's a daughter of a priest. Thank God, we arrived safely and we all hopped out of the car. The four of us made an entrance as we were all high in looks. We drew attention and turn heads as we walked like some sort of model on the runway. We eventually located the 'bitchy' clothing centre and damn! My jaw dropped at the vigour of the clothes. The clothes as expected, left little to the imagination, showcasing the curves, swell and privacy of the body. l wonder if what we call private parts are still private. The girls did not seem to worry about the state of the clothes as the dispersed, each looking for the eye catchy and sexy dress that will grace their body. l followed Grace as she walked between racks of clothes.

After what seems like forever, we were all able to settle for one or two clothes. We cleared our bills and hopped back to the car. Just that this time around, l am the one behind the wheel..

The very much awaited freshmen night party finally came and damn! Everyone was ready. My relationship with the girls improved very much lately. We do have rounds of pleasure though and Grace has volunteered to be our submissive for a cool sex after the night party. Tonight, we all took our bath together after which we assisted each other in getting dressed. I had on a very short backless gown with pretty much exposed cleavage with a booty shoe that gave off the dominant, dangerous lady aura. Grace was on blue skin-cling trousers with a orange crop top. Divine was girly with her extremely short skirt which got me thinking if she can bend to pick something off the floor. She had pornytail on with pink ribbon tied all around to decorate it. She has this long sleeved lemon top that steamed childish. Joy on the other hand just wore a long red top that stopped on her mid thigh. She wore net pop socks underneath and l am convinced it is almost invisible. Guys are definitely going to have a hard time keeping their rod in check this night. We were dressed to kill. l hope Kevin makes it to the party so he could drool at the sight of me. l thought, giggling like a kid. We got to the venue of the party a bit late. The blasting of music could be heard even before we entered the hall. It was dark so the fancy coloured lights made the hall look beautiful and intense. There were blue lights, green, red, orange, purple, name it! We located an empty couch where the four of us settled. Divine volunteered to get drinks while Joy went to get the snacks. l took in the whole hall and l was amazed at the lavish decoration. The dance floor was filled with both genders. Everyone rubbing their body against each other. The girls were dressed scantily while the guts showed off their biceps in tight fitting clothes. People were rocking each other like their life depends on it. The DJ was feeling the erotic vibe and did nothing to quench the thirst. l searched the crowd with my eyes to see if l will see Kevin but the light was not designed to see faces so it was hard. l gave up eventually and awaited the drink. That was when l heard moans from my left-hand side. My head snapped to the source of the sound and of course a blond girl and a guy were seriously getting at it. They look drunk in desire and l longed for the touch of a man. l snapped out of my thought when Grace nudged me on my shoulder

"You feel the heat?" Grace asked

'What heat?'

"The heat a man brings. They are so in control of our body. l wish l don't need to abstain from them" She ratted out while l just nodded. I was dripping already and l don't want to get more aroused. Joy and Divine brought the snacks and juice and we all began to munch. We watched, judged and laughed people as everyone tried to get the best of the party. A very cute guy came out of nowhere and requested Divine to join him on the dance floor. Divine did not hesitate to go with him as she locked her hand in his while they both marched forward. Joy got up and joined the dance too. l was about to join the sweaty bodies too when l felt someone give me a quick peck on the cheek...