You are so beautiful. I love you.

The shadows started to gather together, forming a small ball of blackness that expanded outwards slowly. A giant creature emerged from the shadows. It had two pairs of arms, each arm ending with a large claw.

[Elite Bloodthirster - Possession Form]

The creature was standing near the entrance to the mansion. Its body was black in color and was covered in thick scales, making it look like a beast covered entirely in shadow.

It did not escape Nathan's notice, who was surveying the area through Geen's eyes, the hawk spirit beast hawk that was flying around above Bastien's mansion.

He cursed under his breath. "Damn it, Bastien! What kind of creature is that?"

"Calm down, Nathan," Marco said. "It looks like Bastien is just doing what he always does; playing with people. The creature is actually a human who is fusing with a spirit beast."