I Want to be Your Friend

In the control room.

"So, what kind of spirit is she?"

Bastien giggled. "She is good. I mean, she might be good later when she is a bit older.... She is a fae-beast. I got her a couple of years ago when looking for herbs to make medicines in Yunatea. Her combat skill level is low since she hasn't learned how to use her power yet. She is just a stupid fae who can only play with weird illusion skills." Bastien replied.

"But then, why did you agree with me to release her? Aren't you afraid that her existence will only increase my beloved brother's chances of winning?"

Bastien laughed quietly. "It wasn't planned that way. It was you that came up with this idea. You wanted me to bet on it, remember?"

Leon pouted his lips and muttered, "Oh, yeah... That was what we agreed on."

Then he looked away from Bastien and stared at Polly, who was standing next to Nathan.