Setting Up Base (2)

Lucius began scouring the surrounding area, only collecting the more straightly shaped twigs he would come across. After half an hour, he had collected 36 of them, and accumulated 10 points into strength and another 8 into stamina.

His first goal was to build a few sleds so that the leaflings could help him gather materials, so after gathering a sufficient amount of twigs, the next step was grass.

He collected around 50 blades of grass -them being way lighter than the twigs- they only gave him 4 points into strength and 2 into stamina.

By now all the leaflings had woken up and were crowding around Lucius to see what was going on.

"Is this our new home?" one of them asked as it stood on its tip toes trying to get a glimpse of the work Lucius was doing over the other leaflings.

"That's right," Lucius replied as he weaved three blades of grass together for rope.

"Are we going to be collecting stuff again?" another asked excitedly.