Project "Camp -> Settlement" (7)

With the load he was presently using, he gained about 10 points into strength every 8 reps he did, and 7 into stamina for the same count.

At his current endurance levels, he could only do about 100 reps nonstop before his arms became too exhausted to push anymore.

However, after resting, and continuing with his sets, he found that the efficiency of the workout had decreased. Now he only got 10 points every 12 reps done. Though this was still a good number so he continued.

The efficiency of the workout decreased after every resting period. Till eventually, he could only do 4 reps at a time, and he required 20 to get 10 strength points.

"Hmm, what about…" as he whispered this he called out his crux, "Solar cleanse," he finished off. And a comforting warmth washed over his body, completely dissolving the pain in his arms. However, he felt even more fatigued than he had before, and his mind was a little fuzzy.

Pushing through it, he continued his sets.