We come in the name of the Lighted One (1)


"I think this is it," Asclepius whispered, staring at a group of large mushroom-shaped towers, clustered under a mushroom-like tree.

The mushroom towers were about 1.5 meters tall, and apart from a few odd openings they looked near identical to normal mushrooms. These towers were spread across quite a distance, though one wouldn't be able to discern them from the rest of the mushroom-esque vegetation in this section of the forest.

"Aren't those just plants?" Pagan asked, wondering why they were hiding behind a patch of mushrooms when there was nothing close by.

"Those aren't just plants. It's a den. elders have the ability to create structures that look very similar to natural vegetation," Asclepius replied, before slowly walking toward the structures.

"Keep quiet and let me do the talking," she whispered to Pagan, before looking towards the top of the mushroom-tree that stood over the structures.