Dark Forest Preparations (9)

"Three pieces," Pagan said out loud, counting out three pieces. But the leader lizard shook his head and pointed at one more.

This went back and forth until Pagan cut a 4th piece in half and held it in front of the lizard. The leader paused for a moment as if thinking about it, before reluctantly nodding its head. And the exchange was made.

"The Lighted One will be proud of my skills," Pagan said proudly.

"What was the point? You only went half a notch down of what it asked for. It isn't as if you did anything worth praising," the shroom said as it cleaned the meat.

"It's about the principle. I made their leader compromise for a mere servant of the Lighted One. That enough is a victory worth praising," Pagan announced delightedly, inspecting the fangs that he had won for his master.

"This guy sure has crazies following him around," the shroom whispered to itself, a bit sorry for Lucius.