Radiant Augmentation Index (2)

His earth sense still worked well enough, and during the time he stayed here there were quite a number of times he detected creatures nearby him. Each time he felt a creature was coming too close, he would prepare his radiant energy to activate Radiant cowl.

But the moment he did this, the creatures would backtrack and runoff. He guessed that radiant energy must be something that others could sense as well. Perhaps the creatures assumed that it was the energy reading of some higher-tier being and did not want trouble.

Either way, it was what helped him avoid being eaten for so long.

After two more hours of continuously circulating radiant energy, Lucius felt that he had enough to work with. Now all that was left was for him to let a creature get close enough to hunt without him having to move too much.

It took just over an hour before a creature small enough for him to handle came walking by.