Hidden in the Woods (1)

"Oi, it's been a while, huh?" Lucius said after a moment of awkward silence.

"Exipor?" the insectoid replied, before stepping a little closer.

"Exipor!" it shouted a moment after, running around Lucius like an excited puppy.

"Yeah, yeah I missed you too. It seems you're doing well, you even gained a bit of weight," Lucius commented, seeing that its belly was full.

"Exikilim deris kelix," it replied.

Lucius was really tempted to buy the encyclopedia to understand exactly what it was trying to say. But it was simply too expensive, it would take like 5 days for him to buy it. And 5 days' worth of helios was simply too much, especially as he would have to save up for the leaflings' evolutions.

"I'll see you later," Lucius said before waving goodbye to it.

"What a weird bug," he whispered to himself as he left.

"Dexi kilor exipor," it whispered to itself before leaving.