Domination?? I didn't ask for domination!

He pushed his body to its limits, reaching very dangerous speeds as he got towards the approaching hoard.

He wasn't sure how the undead creature had tracked down his camp, but he couldn't let it get to the pods. Or at least he would make sure that it paid a steep price for attacking his commune.

As he zipped from tree to tree, causing a few of the branches to crack from the force with which he launched himself, he used his earth sense to detect which of the creatures were the strongest.

But there were so many creatures that he couldn't pinpoint a single one, so he decided he would open things up with a high-powered solar burst to cut down as many enemies as possible, before going hand-to-hand with the remaining few.

He would've liked to sneak up on the undead mage and kill it, but that wouldn't be possible as he was certain it had an 'earth sense' just like his.