Awakening of Ghost (2)

"These spider legs, are they like your primary legs now? Do the ones on your body not work?" Lucius asked as he and Ghost walked towards the river.

Ghost was currently holding the arachnid baby in a bear hug, whispering shrieks to it.

"Hmm, they work just fine," she replied after a moment of thought, dropping the baby to the ground before retracting the spider legs.

Lucius checked behind her back to see where they had gone, and found a sort of hard shell that he assumed must be what housed them.

~This is odd. When I first got my tail I had to learn how to use it, but she can just do things like this upon waking up? Interesting,~ Lucius thought to himself.

"And the shrieking that you're doing. Can you speak uh... arachnid tongue now?" he asked as Ghost continued talking to the baby.

"Oh, this? I'm just making random sounds, they don't mean anything," she replied.

"So, how long was I out," she asked, putting the baby on the ground.