To dominate (3)

~It spoke of the shu'hakan, a fighting tournament,~ Lucius thought to himself as he stalked the forest in search of something to hunt.

~Hmm, if these... behemoth races are gathering there, then that's probably my best chance to get information about this world. Not to mention the fact they might have valuable items, and techniques I could trade for,~ he thought to himself.

~Though I'll need something of equal value to trade with,~ he realized, spotting a mushroom buck in the distance.

~Man, this just keeps getting more and more exciting,~ he smiled to himself, before sniping down the deer with solar beam. He modified the spell so that the beam was thinner, and packed less of a punch.

[Quest complete.]

[+300 exp]

During the hunt, he killed seven mushroom deers, three unrecognizable mushroom creatures, and a large snake-like creature that seemed to have mushroom skin.