The Elwood Commune Awakens

"We'll be having a session before I wake up the rest of the commune. You should join us, the others will want to see you as well," Lucius said.

This session would only have Alpha and Hannibal since Pagan was too close to evolving to have one. And also because he wanted to maximize the amouny of helios he would get, so non-leaflings would not be part.

"Ah, sure," Ghost replied, caressing the arachnid one last time before heading with Lucius to the 'Photosynthesis Dome'.

Lucius had ordered that all the kid shrooms temporarily go back to the pillars since he didn't want them seeing Ghost. He also did this, because he wanted to explain to the others what had changed around the camp before allowing them to interact with each other.

"Ghost, it's been a while," Alpha said with a smile.

"You guys have grown," she replied, gently punching Alpha's armor.

"And you're... different," Hannibal replied.

"Yeah," she replied, showing her tail, before shooting poison at the roof.