First day of work (1)

"Okay, now that that's out of the way, I'd like to bring forward another topic. I'll be leaving for the mountains in a day or two," Lucius announced.

Five days had already passed since he met Crenog, and the tournament it spoke of would soon begin.

"The mountains? Why?" Ghost asked.

"There is a tournament taking place there, it'll do well for foreign relations. We could gain valuable allies and connections by sending a small delegation, as such I'll be taking a few representatives as well," he said.

"Count me in," Hannibal, Alpha, Ghost, and Pagan shouted simultaneously.

"Pagan and Alpha, you two can't go because you'll be going into evolution soon. I wouldn't want to stall that just because of this," Lucius replied.

They had defeated expressions on their faces, but they knew he was right. To slow down their evolution for who knows how long would be detrimental to the growth of the commune.