Poison in the air (1)

After creating several small wagons with the help of Hannibal, Alpha, and Pagan, Lucius went to check up on the Internal Security Department. He wanted to have a quick session before sending everyone out on their missions.

"Ah, sparring," he whispered to himself as he noticed that the group was currently watching the arena.

"Captain," one of the members whispered, noticing Lucius's presence, and just like that everyone bowed before turning their attention back to the fight that was about to begin.

~I Need to teach them the salute or something, because this bowing stuff...~ he thought to himself, before making his way closer to the arena.

~Oh, this is interesting,~ he thought to himself, noticing who was currently fighting. It was Ghost, facing off against the entire Internal Security management team.

"Begin!" a 'referee' shouted.

In that instant, Ghost's entire body flashed with a radiant light, and just as fast she closed the distance between her and her opponents.