Mind Scape (3) [The first descent]

"Save me? I work here, now stop before you get me in trouble," the woman shouted, before pulling her hand back.

"And my name's not Ghost, it's Athena," she continued.

~Athena? Th-that's not right that's- that's my wife's name,~ Lucius thought to himself, it felt like something inside his mind was unravelling, but before he could figure out what it was, he heard a large number of footsteps approaching.

"We have to get out of here," he warned, as he heard the footsteps come closer.

" Are you crazy, what are you talking about?"

"You don't have to work here, I can see that they're hurting you. Why do you still want to stay?" he asked, his mind felt foggy, but he was certain that he was doing the right thing.

"And then what? How am I going to feed myself? Or do you expect me to sleep on the streets like you? And- and even if I wanted to, you think that they'd just let me go?" she asked, fighting back the tears that crept on the rim of her eyelids.