The surface... or what is left of it atleast (1)

For a moment, color returned to Lucius's eyes. The ghost-empty look that dwelled within them dissapeared for a fraction of a second, and for that second he pondered whether he had become sort of narcissist that fed on the praise of others.

"No, it's just the first time..." he whispered to himself as he followed close behind Shavak back towards the entrance.

This was the first time he had fought a war where the people didn't see him as an intruder. The first time that he was on the side of those that were suffering, and although his derealization returned just as fast as it had gone, atleast now he knew that this was something he could enjoy doing.

Just as his figure was about to be swallowed by the cave's exit, he raised his hand in gesture. Though the Chame did not know what it meant, they cheered.