[Bonus chapter]History Lesson

After inspecting the new feature for a while, making sure that he exhausted every aspect of it, he came to hypothesize a few things.

For one, he noticed that although the full alphabet was here that alone wasn't enough explain why the system referred to it as a Language Base. He could only assume that there would be more to come as he continued using it. Which would explain why there was a meter.

Though he still wondered what counted as progress. Was continuously using the language all that was required of him?

"Havon? Is something the matter?" Sherlin asked, now growing a little concerned due to Lucius's long silence.

Lucius stared at Sherlin for a while, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"There's a saying where I'm from," he began, before scribbling something on one side of the piece of leather.

"And what do they say?" Sherlin asked in response.

"Nothing in this world is ever truly free," Lucius replied, before handing the piece of leather over to Sherlin.