Magic Weapons Research (14) [Sons and Fathers]

"There is no doubt in my mind that you are an excellent warrior and a valuable asset to your people. However, your position and your talents are not a good match, they are wasted on each other. If there is one right thing you will ever do in your position as king, it'll be to dismantle your current form of leadership, and help your people put those more suited for the task into power," he said finally, before gesturing for Avankor and the others to leave.

With this, the entire room was left in silence, some doing so in self-reflection, whilst others remained quiet solely due to lack of words.

"Havon, wait," a voice called out as Lucius and the others were trying to pass through the crowd that had collected at the door.

Lucius turned around and found Shaviki walking towards him.

"Ahh, thank you for everything, Shaviki. Truth be told, I think you're the only one who deserved their position in this council," Lucius said as Shaviki approached.