Magic Weapons Research (28)

Because the green forest was completely covered in decay, and therefore probably infested with undead spawning pits, Lucius decided to take the route through the clan lands.

Though he wasn't familiar with this particular path, he knew that if he just continued going west of the Behemoth mountains, he would make it there eventually. So he ventured on, avoiding whatever wild beasts attempted to attack him on the way.

He hadn't traveled more than three hours before the massive wall the chief had spoken about came into view. However, something even more interesting arose just a small distance before the wall.

From here it looked like a thick black cloud, billowing past the tall trees of the clan lands into the sky. However, even from here the thick choking smell that it was emitting made it quite clear what was going on.

"A fire," Lucius whispered to himself, before increasing his speed.