Minecrawlers [V]

A cloud of dust steadily made its way down the crater, obscuring visibility beyond a few meters. However, Lucius could just barely make out a sort of earth platform along the circumference of the inner walls, that spiralled downwards towards the deep unseen.

Taking a deep breath, he unleashed his earth sense, pushing it to its limits to gather as much detailed information as it could provide. However, due to the constant lashings he was getting from the wild winds, he couldn't focus to the level he normally would, and thus it didn't cover as wide an area as normal.

~Restritcted to a few meters it seems. Still, it will do. With Ghost taking the vanguard, she'll be able to deal with whatever guards we might meet on the way down there,~ he thought to himself, just as Ghost appeared right beside him, like a phantom emerged from the dirt clouds.