Camp Out

"True enough." Jake nodded in agreement.

Kyle didn't bother to continue talking as there were more giant mutated animals appearing in front of them. It seemed that these giant mutated animals were roaming happily out here.

These giant mutated animals were previously small animals.

Because they were small, they were used to be chased by other bigger animals. After all many of these giant mutated animals were herbivores. Well, there were also some that were carnivores, but the majority that they had seen were herbivores.

Herbivores animals usually ran in front of carnivores.

But now that they had turned into giant mutated animals, they were bigger than the previous carnivores.

Some of the giant mutated animals had grown courageous enough to fight back and strike against those carnivores. It seemed as if their instinct had changed one way or another after the mutation.

These giant mutated animals even dared to attack humans.