Escaping to City E <3>

Of course, if Dr. Dall knew who was talking about him, he might have applied to have more bodyguard to protect him from that rascally brat Kyle.

The Black Group talked a bit more before they went back to their respective tent to have some rest. By this point, they were all very tired and had no intention to stay awake anymore.


Lying on the bed, Kyle lightly caressed the cat who was sleeping right beside him. His blue eyes flashed with unknown light before he closed it again.

The next day, the people started to walk. With the soldiers guarding, they were not too anxious. But still, many people couldn't help but thinking about their future and what would happen to them without any proper place to stay.

When they were in City B, they felt safe. And seeing the people who had to wait outside, they had been half laughing at them and half pity.

Now, they were in the same situation.

Where should they go?