The Aftermath <2>

"…She still feels that it's too fast." Kyle sighed deeply. He really wanted to just kidnap Kate and lock her up, but he didn't want to make her unhappy, so he had been patiently waiting.

General Ryan nodded. "She's only 22, so it's only natural that she felt it's too fast."

"Why are you siding with her?"

"Of course I'll side with her." General Ryan scoffed. Who would want to side with this annoying troublemaker in front of him? If only it was possible, General Ryan wished to always be standing on the opposite of his son to see his son's deflated expression.

That would be for the best.

Kyle rolled his eyes.

This is his biological father and he was sure that his father would be happy whenever he was in trouble with his wife.


Now he knew that he could definitely not come to his father to ask for any kind of help.