Eventful assessment

"What a night " Light slipped out of the bed as he prepared for school.

"You're leaving without telling me " Evie said walking out totally naked.

"I didn't want to disturb you and I won't want to leave, but I need to go, and I will return very late"Light said.

Light putting on his boots as he stepped out slamming the door he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I need to be more careful I almost spoiled everything I was lucky " Light said.

"Where are we going " Mani asked.

"Somewhere we can test the sword after school because I'm still pretty inexperienced with a sword, and I'm still a little weak " Light said.

"But why school most people your age would hate school, and you're a lot weak" Mani replied.

"I don't have a master that will train me to some great warrior that's the only place I can get trained I wouldn't consider it especially with that ass licking principal and biased teachers, but I have no choice and I will pretend that I didn't hear your last remark" Light said walking over to the restaurant, but there was long line.

"Wow, I don't have time"Light said as he walked past the restaurant heading in the direction of the school.

"I can't believe I'm back here with no nuts Nelly and bitch Sakurai they have no idea they are accepting the person who caused such a huge scandal " Light took a deep breath before entering the school walking to the principal's office.

*knock knock* Light knocked before entering the office with the principal who seemed to be lost in thought.

"Ahem " Light coughed to get the attention of the principal who slowly turned his head to Light.

"Your assessment was yesterday where were you?" The principal asked.

"I had some family problems deal with it was really exhausting " Light scratching his head.

"Alex " He shouted immediately a petite woman walked in

"Take him to the assessment room" He said.

"Ok Sir, Follow me" She said giving a slight nod before leaving the room Light following behind her while walking over to the assessment room Light looked in the direction of the gym lockeroom as a wide smile appeared on his face.

"Where it all started" He mumbled.

"What did you say?" She asked turning to look at him.

"Nothing just amazed by this beautiful school" Light said with a smile she then continued walking Light face immediately turning disgusted.

"I can't believe that I just said that" Light thought using his hand to clean his tongue making a barf face.

"Strength, Speed, Endurance and potential that's what you will be assessed on " She said as they walked into the assessment hall it was a huge hall with different gadgets.

After testing Light on his major attributes

"Strength and Speed are average, but Endurance above average remains potential check and powers check" She spoke into the watch

"Place your hand on the crystal" She said as Light put his hand on the green crystal it glowed bright red forcing Light and Light to close their eyes if Sakurai was here she would have definitely recognized this red glow.

"What the hell happened" Alex said checking on the crystal which had returned to its original state showing God-level talent on it written boldly.

"What!?" Alex ran out of the hall running all the way to the principal's office bursting into the office.

"What the fuck is going on" Light said.

"What's going on!?" The principal asked with a worried look

"Hufff... Hufff... God....level" Alex managed to say while catching her breath

"Really, I needed something to redeem our reputation let's go" He ran over to the assessment hall.

"It's actually true Alex gather everyone I have an announcement" He said

"Light, Don't let him do it he will get you killed " Mani shouted and Light immediately reacted

"Sto" A dark figure suddenly appeared before Light could say anything

"What are you!? Get out "The principal sent a punch flying, but it was easily stopped

"That isn't a way to greet guests" The figure said has he gripped the fist tighter

"Alex, call for back up we can't lose him" The principal ordered.

" Don't move" The figure ordered placing his finger on her, he mumbled some words.

"What did you do to her" The principal squirmed trying to pull husband hand away from the figure.

"If I say it you won't even remember it in some time" He said placing his finger on the principal's head he turned to Light who was frozen in fear.

"They won't remember a thing and I won't hurt you, but you can't tell anybody what you saw" He grabbed the crystal replacing it with one that wrote demigod level talent.

"Who are you " Light asked, but the person was already gone then the principal and Alex and regained their self.

"Demi-god level take him to class-C with the other rares"The principal said.

"And when you get back get me some painkillers I have a slight headache"The principal said leaving the assessment hall.

"Thank God I at least got a huge talent but what is with this sudden headache" The principal said clutching his head.

"Thank the heavens what was that, and they don't even remember what happened who was that does that mean I'm always being watched and followed does that mean I shouldn't test the sword, but I don't think they will interfere I just need to take the risk " Light thought looking up to the sky deep in his mind there seemed to be someone who was in deep thought.