
"Urrgh" Light grunted as the two men tried to hold him down.

"Don't worry he can't use his powers" Lynn said, in a calm tone with a smile on her face.

"No powers needed," Light said, as he broke through the chains pushing the men back.

"Kill him," Lynn said, as she made a break for it.

"You are going nowhere," Light said, He wanted to rush over to her.

"You'll have to get through us before you can go anywhere, " One of the men said the two men were already in a fighting stance.

"It won't take long," Light said, suddenly appearing before the two men.

"SHIT!" The man said as Light gave him a punch in his stomach which sent him flying through the wall.

"Die!" The other man said, sending out a punch toward Light who just caught it casually.

"You are too loud," Light said, The man turning red with veins bulging on his head.

"Die!" Light grabbed his head smashing it into the ground as blood spurted everywhere.

"I said you are too noisy," Light said with an annoyed look while cleaning his ears with his fingers dusting his clothes, and starting towards the direction in which Lynn left.

* Bang*

The light was sent flying by an invisible force, and he was hit with multiple punches as he dripped blood from the corners of his mouth he suddenly smiled.

"You should have killed me on your first hit," Light said as he grabbed the air a green creature with scaly skin like a reptile and the face of a chameleon with two thin legs tried to squirm away from Light's grip.

"Dude, you're ugly I see why you were given invisibility," Light said.

"RAH!" The creature screamed infuriated by Light's words he started exuding dark smoke from his body. Light releasing the creature from his grip jumped back weary of the smoke the thing blended into the smoke.

"I....will...make you regret what you said" An eerie voice sounded from the smoke.

*FWIP* Light managed to react to the knife that was heading toward his eye raising his hand in time for the knife to go into his hand.

"Your reflex is pretty sharp but does not matter," The voice said, Light was hit with a punch on his jaw moving slightly with the knife still lodged in his hand. Light punched randomly into the smoke which had filled the room, Light started coughing out blood dropping on one knee he started feeling drowsy he punched the floor falling to the floor below them the thing was shocked appearing for a brief second as he fell also. Light moved immediately reacting to the appearance of the thing plunging his hand through the thing that became visible Light pulled his hand out of the chest of the thing it was covered in a green fluid that started corroding at an incredible speed Light sliced his hand without hesitation.

Light looked out of the open wall looking at the car which was about to drive off he stretched his hand and the hover car stopped before it zoomed off he pulled out the knife from his hand picking up his corroding hand. Light healed the hand attaching back to his arm it closed together with the hole in his other hand.

*STAB* Light felt something pierce into his stomach he saw a hand come out of his gut turning back he saw Lynn who had a malicious smile on her face.

"OUGH!" Light coughed out blood Lynn pulled her hand out Light fell to his knees.

"I hate rebellious toys," Lynn said, placing her leg on Light's head ready to push him off the sixth floor which they were on. Light smiled but Lynn could not see it he grabbed her leg swinging her over his head and attempted to throw her down but she morphed into a slime-like creature sticking to Light's arm.

"Shapeshifting pest," Light said, throwing it off his hand his wound was closing at a frightening rate.

"You have some interesting ability," Lynn said, as she turned back into a human.

"But how will you regenerate from being diced into pieces," Lynn said, her arms morphed into blades she smiled taking a step her boot moving at Light with crazy speed he jumped back but it was too late the blade was about to slice his head but it stopped. Light smiled holding both of her hands putting his leg on her gut tearing her hands away from her body. Time continued Light moved to the side Lynn fell to the ground with blood spurting everywhere.

"ARRGH!!" Lynn screamed as blood continued flowing out Light turned Lynn over she looked at him she managed to stop the bleeding as her flesh covered the wound but she could not regenerate her arms.

"How did you do that," Lynn said slowly looking at Light who stood to her side. Light raised his leg smashing it into Lynn's face repeatedly until it became a bloody pulp.

[Maniac mode has worn off]

"What! Uurgh" Light hurled as he saw Lynn's face before coughing out blood and crashing to the ground unconscious.

A few hours later, Light woke up and it was already dark.

"It's time to head home," Light said, standing up and walking away.

"Are you not scared of being caught?" Mani said.

"Then they will be looking for Light Akashi not Jake Hart," Light said.

"Things are getting good now," Mani said.